Easy Way to Learn WSJF: Maximize Your Value Delivery



In the fast-paced world of project management, efficiency reigns supreme. Every decision made, every resource allocated, must contribute to the ultimate goal of delivering value to stakeholders. One methodology that has gained traction in recent years for prioritizing work and optimizing resource allocation is Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF). In this blog post, we’ll delve into what WSJF is, how it works, and provide examples of its application in real-world scenarios, but from an undead perspective.

Understanding WSJF:

WSJF, to us zombies, is a prioritization technique that operates on the principle of maximizing the value delivered per unit of time and resource invested. It helps us determine which tasks or features to tackle first based on a combination of their value, time criticality, risk reduction, and opportunity enablement.

Components of WSJF:

  1. Cost of Delay (CoD): This represents the financial impact of delaying a particular task or feature. The longer the delay, the greater the cost incurred. CoD encompasses factors such as potential brain consumption, missed opportunities for spreading the infection, and decreased zombie morale.
  2. Time Criticality (TC): Some tasks or features have deadlines that must be met to capitalize on opportunities for fresh prey or avoid being trapped by humans. Time Criticality measures the urgency of completing a job relative to its deadline.
  3. Risk Reduction and Opportunity Enablement (RR/OE): Projects often involve mitigating risks or seizing opportunities, like finding a new, more sustainable food source or securing a safe shelter. RR/OE quantifies the potential risk reduction or opportunity enablement that completing a task or feature brings.
  4. Job Size (JS): This refers to the size or effort required to complete a task or feature. It can be measured in zombie hours or any other relevant unit.

Calculating WSJF:

The WSJF formula is simple enough for even us zombies to grasp:

WSJF = (CoD + TC + RR/OE) / JS​

By calculating the WSJF for each task or feature, we zombies can prioritize our undead backlog in a manner that maximizes value delivery.

Example Scenario:

Let’s consider a software development project that needs to add new features to a mobile application. The project backlog includes three potential features:

WSJF Features
  1. Feature A: Enhances user experience but has no immediate deadline or significant financial impact if delayed. It’s estimated to require 8 story points.
  2. Feature B: Addresses a critical security vulnerability that poses a high risk if left unresolved. It’s estimated to require 5 story points.
  3. Feature C: Integrates a new payment gateway, enabling additional revenue streams. It has a looming deadline due to an upcoming marketing campaign and is estimated to require 13 story points.

Now, let’s calculate the WSJF for each feature:

  1. Feature A: WSJF_A = (0 + 0 + 0) / 8 = 0
  2. Feature B: WSJF_B = (High + High + High) / 5 = High
  3. Feature C: WSJF_C = (Medium + Very High + Very High) / 13 = Very High

Based on these calculations, Feature C has the highest WSJF and should be prioritized first, followed by Feature B due to its criticality. Feature A, while valuable, can be deferred as it has a lower score and no immediate impact.

Real-World Application:

WSJF isn’t limited to software development; it can be applied across various industries. For instance, in manufacturing, it can help prioritize production tasks based on factors like customer demand, resource availability, and production deadlines. In healthcare, it can assist in prioritizing patient treatments based on urgency and risk.

Benefits of WSJF:

  1. Maximized Value Delivery: By prioritizing tasks based on their WSJF, projects can focus on delivering the most value in the shortest amount of time.
  2. Risk Mitigation: WSJF considers risk reduction as a factor, helping teams address potential pitfalls early on.
  3. Transparent Decision Making: WSJF provides a clear framework for decision-making, enabling teams to justify their prioritization choices based on objective criteria.
  4. Improved Stakeholder Satisfaction: By aligning prioritization with stakeholder goals and objectives, WSJF can lead to increased satisfaction and trust.


In the undead world, just as in the human one, effective prioritization is essential for horde success. Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) offers a systematic approach to prioritizing objectives based on their value, time criticality, risk reduction, and opportunity enablement. By leveraging WSJF, zombie hordes can ensure that their shambling masses focus on the most impactful objectives, ultimately driving chaos and terror while maximizing undead domination.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Please check my other post about How the Kano Model Made Zombie Survival Possible.

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