Embracing NoEstimate: A Paradigm Shift in Agile Development


In the dynamic realm of agile software development, the pursuit of efficient project management techniques is a perpetual journey. One such approach that has been gaining traction is NoEstimate, a departure from traditional estimation methods. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of NoEstimate, compare it with the more conventional Relative Sizing, explore agile metrics, and weigh the advantages and disadvantages associated with each approach.

NoEstimate: How It Works:

NoEstimate is a methodology that challenges the conventional wisdom of estimating each task in a project. Instead of assigning time-based estimates to individual user stories or tasks, teams employing NoEstimate focus on delivering valuable increments of work without committing to fixed timelines.

The process involves breaking down tasks into smaller, manageable units and prioritizing them based on business value. The team then collaboratively iteratively works on these tasks, delivering a potentially shippable product at the end of each iteration. The focus is on continuous delivery and adaptation, with the team adjusting priorities based on evolving requirements.

Relative Sizing vs. NoEstimate:

Relative sizing, a more traditional agile practice, involves assigning a relative size or complexity to tasks without specifying the time required for completion. It relies on techniques like story points or t-shirt sizing to gauge the effort involved in each task relative to others.

While both methodologies share the concept of not fixating on time-based estimates, they differ in their approach. Relative sizing still involves assigning a measure of effort, whereas NoEstimate aims to eliminate such quantifications. NoEstimate is a type of relative sizing when you only have two sizes, small enough or too large. Imagine in your t-shirt sizing you only have small or too large. small means it can fit in the Sprint and too large means it needs to be broken into smaller stories.

Agile Metrics:

Agile metrics play a crucial role in both NoEstimate and Relative Sizing methodologies. However, the metrics tracked may vary. NoEstimate teams often emphasize cycle time, focusing on the time taken from starting a task to delivering a valuable outcome. On the other hand, Relative Sizing teams may rely on velocity, a measure of how much work a team can complete in a given time frame. Let’s explore some key agile metrics used in a NoEstimate environment and understand how they contribute to the improvement of quality and efficiency.

Cycle Time:

Definition: Cycle time measures the time it takes for a task or user story to move from the “in progress” stage to completion.

How it Helps: In a NoEstimate setting, cycle time becomes a critical metric. Shorter cycle times indicate that the team is swiftly delivering value, allowing for quicker adaptation to changing requirements. Monitoring cycle time helps teams identify bottlenecks and streamline their workflow, ultimately improving efficiency.


Definition: Throughput represents the number of tasks or user stories completed within a given time frame.

How it Helps: Tracking throughput allows teams to assess their capacity for delivering value consistently. A steady or increasing throughput signals efficiency, while a decrease may prompt a closer look at potential challenges or areas for improvement. Throughput helps teams understand their pace of delivery and adapt accordingly.

Lead Time:

Definition: Lead time measures the total time from the identification of a task or user story to its completion, encompassing both waiting and active work times.

How it Helps: Lead time provides a holistic view of the end-to-end process. By understanding the entire duration a task spends in the workflow, teams can pinpoint areas for optimization. A reduction in lead time indicates improved efficiency in delivering valuable increments, contributing to enhanced overall project quality.

WIP (Work in Progress) Limits:

Definition: WIP limits set constraints on the number of tasks or user stories that can be actively worked on simultaneously.

How it Helps: NoEstimate teams benefit from WIP limits by avoiding overloading their workflow. By limiting work in progress, teams can maintain focus, improve collaboration, and prevent bottlenecks. WIP limits contribute to better task management, leading to increased efficiency and higher-quality deliverables.

Escaped Defects:

Definition: Escaped defects represent issues or bugs discovered by customers after the release of a product or feature.

How it Helps: While not exclusive to NoEstimate, tracking escaped defects becomes crucial in ensuring quality. By monitoring defects identified post-release, teams gain insights into potential weaknesses in their development and testing processes. Addressing these issues helps improve the overall quality of deliverables.

Advantages of NoEstimate:

Shorter Estimation Time:

NoEstimate excels in reducing the time spent on detailed estimations. The emphasis shifts from intricate estimations to continuous delivery, fostering a more agile and adaptive environment.

Gaming Story Points:

In relative estimation, developers assign story points to tasks based on perceived complexity or effort. However, this system can be vulnerable to gaming, where team members may intentionally overstate or understate the complexity of a task to influence velocity or project timelines.

Easier Prediction:

NoEstimate teams often find it easier to predict delivery timelines due to the focus on continuous delivery and iterative development. This predictability stems from the emphasis on business value rather than intricate estimations.

Team Dynamics and Pressure:

Developers may feel pressure to conform to the team’s velocity expectations, leading to reluctance in challenging estimates or acknowledging uncertainties. This can result in inaccurate estimations and potential project risks.

Developer Well-being:

The absence of fixed velocity targets and the continuous delivery focus in NoEstimate can alleviate stress on developers. There’s less pressure to meet predefined expectations, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable work environment.

Disadvantages of NoEstimate:

Dependency on Team Collaboration:

The success of NoEstimate heavily relies on the team’s collaboration skills, decision-making ability, and adaptability to changing circumstances. Teams with weaker collaboration may find it challenging to implement NoEstimate effectively. In contrast, the structured nature of relative sizing offers a more straightforward framework for teams to operate within.

Challenges in Stakeholder Communication:

Communicating progress and delivery expectations becomes more challenging with NoEstimate, as stakeholders may be accustomed to traditional project management practices that rely on fixed timelines. Relative sizing, with its use of story points, provides a common language for communication and clearer discussions around capacity and priorities.

Risk of Feature Creep:

NoEstimate’s flexibility in adjusting priorities without fixed timelines introduces a potential risk of feature creep. Continuous reprioritization may impact the project scope and overall goals. Relative sizing provides a structured framework that helps manage scope changes and expectations more effectively.


In the ever-evolving landscape of agile development, methodologies like NoEstimate challenge the status quo, offering a paradigm shift from traditional estimation practices. While both NoEstimate and Relative Sizing have their merits and drawbacks, the choice between them ultimately depends on the specific needs and dynamics of the development team and project.

NoEstimate’s focus on continuous delivery, reduced estimation time, and developer well-being can contribute to a more adaptive and efficient workflow. However, teams must carefully weigh the potential downsides, such as uncertain delivery timelines, and consider whether the methodology aligns with the expectations and requirements of stakeholders.

In the end, the key is to adopt agile methodologies that best suit the unique characteristics of the project at hand, recognizing that no one-size-fits-all solution exists in the dynamic world of software development.

I hope you enjoyed this post. For more information, you can check out NoEstimates: How To Measure Project Progress Without Estimating. Also, Do not forget to check my other post How to Leverage Lean Metrics for Max Team Performance.

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